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Herbal Compress Massage

Signature Ritual


This ancient treatment tool has come a long way!


Herbal Compresses are a traditional treatment from Eastern Asia, with thermo-physical components. In Thailand, the round cotton bundles containing herbal mixtures were once the secret tools of ancient healers.


Called Luk-Pra-Kob in Thai, these traditional herbs have been incorporated into some of our luxurious bespoke Spa treatments design: Herbal Facial, Signature treatments & Traditional Thai massage therapies.


Ground fresh and dried herbs are wrapped into an incredibly soothing cotton compress and then steamed. Our unique combination of compresses uses up to 20 different therapeutic Thai herbs and spices such as plai, ginger, lemongrass, turmeric and cumin. When the compress is steamed and applied to the skin with a specific massage technique, the essential oils from the herbs are transferred to the recipient’s skin; the herbs have both medicinal and aesthetic uses.Using patting and pounding techniques, the treatment exfoliates, moisturises, relaxes and breaks down muscle tension whilst providing a blissfully warm but deep and relaxing treatment.


The warm compresses are applied to the body’s key muscles in a uniquely tailored massage, focusing on any areas of concern. Our Herbal Compress Treatment gives a modern twist on a traditional heat treatment that soothes and removes muscle tension. Our Spa Signature treatment has been uniquely designed to improve muscle tone and impart a feeling of total relaxation by soothing away accumulated tension and stress. The powerful technique and smells send the receiver into a deeply relaxed ‘dream like’ state. The results cannot be compared to any existing treatments.


We make old healing methods usable for modern treatments; our treatments are not only meant to support the well-being, but they also have an additional background which is therapeutically effective. Our mission is to be innovative in the world of health and beauty products.



         SPA TRAINING - BOTANIA Ritual


A total body and face treatment that exemplifies the best of spa aromatherapy and leaves clients  a feeling of complete bliss. Stress shows itself in many ways: tension, anxiety, low energy, difficulty sleeping, as well as dull, dry skin. This treatment deals with each separate type of stress to leave you without a care in the world and your body nourished. 


This 85 minute ritual is a top-to-toe pampering delight. Beginning with a full body exfoliation to leave your skin super-refined and smooth,followed by the application of our signature rich Toning Body Oil tha includes tangerine and lemongrass,  the heated herbal compresses are massaged into the skin for a one of a kind unique treatment.


The treatment requires 2 days of training and can be tailored to individual requirements.


With over a decade experience of working in the Spa & Wellness industry, we are committed to assist Spa Owners  and Managers in creating one-of-a-kind signature treatments and provide outstanding and professional staff  training.


  • Training currently available in South Africa and the U.K.

Please contact us for further information






We run ongoing professional training in the U.K. and South Africa for a minimum of six therpists.

Please contact us for further information





Beauty Shortlist Awards Philosophia Botanica
Philosophia Botanica Spa Skincare Of The Year Award


 The products and the information on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease. Medical advice for skin or otherwise must be made by consulting with a healthcare provider.

© 2013 -2025 Philosophia Botanica Ltd. All rights reserved. Copyright in this website is owned and licensed by Philosophia Botanica Limited. Other than for the purposes of and subject to the conditions prescribed under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and similar legislation which applies in your location, you may not in any form or by any means adapt, reproduce, store, distribute, print, display, perform, publish or create derivative works from any part of this website or commercialize any information, products or services obtained from any part of this website without our prior written permission. Philosophia Botanica Limited (10240460) is a UK Trademark and registered business. HQ 394 Muswell Hill, London, N10 1DJ, 07785320340 S.A. HQ Cape Town, Western Cape , 7806 | EU Italia. 

Get in touch via London | Cape Town | Portofino




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