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Its anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, antioxidant and therapeutic properties make lemongrass a useful alternative or complementary remedy for a wide spectrum of common ailments.


Whether using the dried leaves steeped to make tea or the extracted essential oil, lemongrass produces considerable benefits.The main chemical component found in lemongrass is citral, an aromatic compound, also known as lemonal.


Citral is used in perfumes because of its lemon odor. It is the presence of citral which accounts for lemongrass’ lemon scent. It is an antimicrobial and therefore effective in destroying or inhibiting microorganisms. Citral also contains antifungal properties. It also has a positive effective on the body’s ability to use Vitamin A.


Lemongrass has rubefacient properties, meaning that it may be able to improve blood circulation.


The presence of Vitamin A in lemongrass makes it helpful for skin issues such as acne pimples. It helps to brighten the skin and eyes and clear up oily skin thus improving acne. Its antibacterial property is also valuable for skin infections. 

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